Friday, August 21, 2009

Oscar's arrival - Scheduled due dates mean nothing I guess

So here I am with insomnia.... on my son's scheduled due date. I'm up at 4 AM and thinking that I'll probably be up at 4 AM (and every hour on the hour) for the next few month's after Oscar's arrival. Nothing is really on TV at this time even though I have hundreds of channels... it's either nazis, health care birthers or my splendid choice... Long Time Dead. It's a 2002 classic (LOL) starring Lukas Haas in which "Spooky stuff happens when a group of college students get their hands on a homemade Ouija board and conjure up a homicidal demon." Good times!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oscar's arrival - T minus 1 day

Today was very frantic at work getting prepared for a interior design event tomorrow night where I will have a table set-up to show off my goods. I ran over to Fed-X/Kinko's to pick up my banner/poster which was supposed to be finished Monday. When I went to get it Tuesday morning it was wrong... and when I went to get it today it was wrong again. Oh well, I'll take it now since I really have no choice. Thanks a bunch, asshats. Next time I'll do it myself.

Clancy had a Dr. appointment this afternoon and we were hoping to get the good news that maybe should could be induced. No such luck. Oscar is just not ready to come into this world yet... so tomorrow's due date is very highly unlikely. It could be another week! Not the new she wanted to hear. You really wouldn't know it by the way he's been kicking. I think we'll have a soccer player for sure. Being the good husband that I am I returned home after work with some flowers (from By The Bunch in Moreland), a kiss and encouraging words.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oscar's arrival - T minus 2 days

Well today started early with a urinalysis and some blood work. My cholesterol is high... and I guess I can understand why since I'm about 20 lbs overweight and don't get much exercise, plus my family medical history is terrible. One positive note is that the doctor praised me for quitting smoking. It's been a year and a half and I don't miss them at all. I wanted to get into the doctor for numerous reasons... but I really want to make sure I'm here for my little man (and my wife).

Tonight was a Hell's Kitchen night, and once again, big Bobby went to the hospital because he's so damned obese. I hope he can pull through. I wonder what his cholesterol looks like? Now my wife is watching More TO Love. I sense a common thread today... and boy am I hungry!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Oscar's arrival - T minus 3 days

Well we did manage to get out to Krugers Farm on Sauvie Island yesterday... just long enough to grab a bucket of Zinnia and a german sausage.

Today was all about getting my ducks in a row at work. There are many things to do before I head out for a few days. It's very difficult to put work behind... even when this wonderful event is getting so near.

Clancy has decided to put the cats in the basement and not let them into the main levels of the house. I'm not sure I'm too happy about this, but I guess it must be done. They are indoor/outdoor cats so they will be fine. I'll just have to make sure I spend some time with them so they don't get mad at us. Is it true cats like to cuddle with babies? Hmmm... I do know that they like all the new comfy surfaces that have recently arrived in the house.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Oscar's arrival - T minus 4 days

Well Saturday was one of our last weekends without child. What did I do? Played some XBox of course! Oh, I also put together the Evenflow Baby Suite Select play pen and changing table.

I think we'll take a drive to Sauvie Island to get some flowers today.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oscar's arrival - Day minus 5

Here we are Saturday morning, 5 days before the projected due date of my little boy Oscar! No matter how much I try to sleep in, I just cannot sleep past 7:30 AM. All my friends tell me "Get sleep now while you can" but it just ain't working. Seven hours is really all I can muster, which is the norm for me.
Clancy doesn't seem to have that problem. She's sleeping like a champion and I love her for it because this next month is going to be a struggle and she's been an absolute trooper so far... but she's MORE THAN READY to get the little man into this world!
We are pretty ready for the day, I think. Birthing classes, check; Car seat bases installed, check; diaper caddy installed, check; digi-camera battery charged... oh snap! Get on it man!
This will be our last weekend together alone... wish us luck!